Why Sell Your Life Insurance Policy?
As you go through Tuesday afternoon’s mail, you open medical bill after medical bill. Your mind races as you try to calculate just how much you owe for your ongoing treatment of this life-threatening illness. Even though you still hold a decent-paying job, you realize that you will be in debt for a long, long time; outside of finding more income, your back is against the ropes. You take a gander at the last piece of mail lying on your table, and you notice a headline on the envelope regarding selling your life insurance policy. You vaguely remember reading a news article about this topic several months back, but never thought anything of it at the time. Now that your interest is piqued, you start to look into the possibilities of selling your policy; maybe there are some options out there after all?
Hundreds of thousands of Americans face this same situation year after year – an illness with a severe cash shortage or inability to pay off their medical debt. The main aspect of selling a life insurance policy that most people do not often realize is that they do have the legal grounds to sell their policy if they wish to do so. Policies are rarely purchased unless they are from a person who is battling an illness, or a man or woman at the age of seventy-five and over.
In short, if you are suffering from an illness, or are later on in years, there is a good chance that selling your policy is feasible. If you are asking yourself, “Can I sell my insurance policy for cash?”, the answer is yes if you meet the preceding conditions. This is an expanding market, and if you need cash, selling your life insurance policy is an excellent option to consider.